"Thing is most witnesses I knew looked for excuses to miss meetings."
Yeah, especially when, during a snowstorm, they get the welcome phone call: "meeting cancelled."
Hoorays and high-fives all around!
november 13, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: making the best use of our kingdom halls.
"Thing is most witnesses I knew looked for excuses to miss meetings."
Yeah, especially when, during a snowstorm, they get the welcome phone call: "meeting cancelled."
Hoorays and high-fives all around!
in case the picture didn't load.... i'm referring to an elevator with a (quite common) weight capacity of 1,500 lbs.. would the 7 members of the governing body exceed this weight limit??
david splane: 195 pounds.
stephen lett: 205 pounds.
Alfred, where are you getting their weights from? In Lett's most recent appearance on video, he seems to have lost some weight (loose fitting shirt, suit, etc.)
i believe the gb's takeover of the fds was an illegal coup - not illegal relative to the laws of land, but illegal according to jw "laws" or doctrine.. according to jw doctrine, the fds is god's channel of communication between heaven and earth.
before the coup, the fds was defined to be all the anointed on earth, and the gb was part of that group and merely the spokesman for the group - individual gb members having no more authority than non-gb members of the fds.. however, a few years ago, the gb, independently of the other members of the fds, decided that it alone was the fds.
that, to me, was an illegal overthrow of the body (fds); it was a coup.. suppose the u.s. president decided that he has all power, and that he removed the powers of the u.s. congress.
The rank-and-file's quiescence to the coup -- a blatant power grab, really - is really astonishing. And yes, remarks by that pin-head Splane prior to the change did make vague references to their annoyance at non-GB anointed who sought a place at the table invoking their status as an FDS member in the field.
i recently watched a video about a kingdom hall demonstration from a link on this site, and in the comments on youtube somebody said this: .
i understand that the "apostate" activity this week has caused the wt/gb to change the content of the november jwbroadcasting episode and will delay its release until they can figure out how to spin this activity.. .
has anybody heard of this or is there any truth to this?
Was their program was impacted by the "apostates?"... of course. They're among the most reactive -- and least proactive -- people on the planet.
"WE will NEVER" change our scriptural position on this subject" -- or for as as long as the settlement money runs out.
Their intransigence will doom them eventually.
my uber elder cousin and his wife got the "privilege" of having one last "toast" of wine at the rooftop garden at the towers in nyc since the jw's are vacating to warwick.
his oldest daughter and son in law are quite high up in the inner circle so they get invited to all the "inner circle" activities.
even though they aren't supposed to toast to anything it was pretty darn close.
Russ Kurzen was, for much of the 50s and 60s, receptionist at the 107 building.
Again, it's an example of a shift toward a diminishing outreach to the uninitiated public and an increasingly desperate bid to hold onto what they have by dazzling the masses with impressively produced puffery devoid of any intellectual weight.
And just how are the rank and file .. so conditioned to going door-to- door with printed materials -- supposed to adjust?
Once again, kudos to you wifibandit for your invaluable contributions to this forum!
i'd like to show you a short video i made about exjw activism in poland.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt3qdtyxgd8.
i'm one of the people responsible for those information campaigns/protests, so you can ask me anything you like.
there's a lot i didn't show on the video because of the limited time i have for editing, i have tons of footage more.
It seems the ex-JW literature cart attracted a lot more interest than the usual JW setups!
hiya peeps.
in my comedy routine i am keen to add some audio of the worst things jws have said in talks.
tight pants tony.
Stephen Lett explaining "express will"
or, his take on "Womens' Lip"
the songs in the old brown song book were way better than these new ones.
had they not changed the songs, i may never have left (halfway joking).
they gave no feeling, no soul (but of course there's no such thing as soul or whatever)!
so in the october jw broadcast, there is a "morning worship" segment in which g. jackson goes to great lengths to explain how the term "those taking the lead" are not "leaders".. the terms are exactly equivalent, of course, but jackson, with a wink & smirk, pats himself on the back for his own cleverness on how different they really are.it's just so bizarrely absurd.. imagine if such tortured reasoning were applied to other areas..... -------------------------------------.
restaurant manager: i'm sorry, the only position we have open is for dishwasher.
applicant: that's insulting!
.... to be following by more-- MUCH more-- of the same, on Saturday...